









The 生物学学士学位 will equip you for a broad range of life science related careers. The curriculum includes courses in the foundational sciences of biology, chemistry and physics laying the groundwork for advanced courses in subdisciplines across the biological sciences. 虽然重点放在人类生物学上, students will be exposed to the diversity of the living world including animals, 植物和微生物. The curriculum also includes laboratory components with nearly all of the courses so students develop hands-on field and laboratory skills in addition to the knowledge gained in the classroom.

研究生s with a 生物学学士学位 will be prepared for masters or doctoral work in the Biological Sciences as well as employment in areas such as environmental biology and animal care. Some will also pursue careers in veterinary medicine or science education.

当你在澳门新葡京网站学习生物学时, our goal is to help you worship God better as you gain a deeper understanding of the created world. 另外, we strive to promote stewardship and care for the diversity of living things on earth recognizing the uniqueness of man and woman created in the image of God.


小班授课,14门必修实验课程, 你将为成功的事业发展研究技能. Real world research projects and simulations will help you increase your analytical reasoning ability. Courses taught from a biblical worldview will help you to grow in your faith in God and your recognition of each individual as created in the image of God. Internship and missions/ministry opportunities will round out your experience helping you to apply what you learn in the classroom. 例如, Biology majors are eligible to apply for internships at the Riverbanks Zoo right here in Columbia, 南卡罗来纳! 


You will learn in our new Health Sciences laboratory with state-of-the-art equipment. 大一的实验课程将向你介绍设备, develop your research skills and prepare you for the advanced laboratory courses later in the program. Our objective is to facilitate your professional development in safe laboratory practices which will help you in any career path. 

Caring faculty members are available to help each student reach their potential. Science faculty are committed to helping you succeed in the classroom as well as providing you with pre-professional advising. Our experienced faculty have taught many students who are now veterinarians, 野生动物生物学家等, so they are knowledgeable about what it takes to succeed in the competitive job market. Importantly, they want to help you to achieve your career goals too. 

Our theme verse is Luke 9:6 “So they set out and went from village to village proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere.(和合本)这节经文, on the entry way wall of the Health Sciences Lab is a constant reminder of the CIU motto: To know Him and to make Him known. As we prepare students to be successful on the job and in graduate school, our ultimate purpose is to help students grow in their faith and their ability to share it as they give glory to the Creator. 



  • BIO 2120 -一般生物学II 3
  • 生物2121 -一般生物学II实验室 1
  • BIO 3110 -微生物学 3
  • BIO 3111 -微生物实验室 1
  • BIO 3215 -分子和一般遗传学 4
  • BIO 3360 -起源 2
  • 生物4120 -细胞生物学 4
  • CHE 1110 -通用化学I 3
  • ch1111 -普通化学I实验室 1
  • CHE 1120 -通用化学II 3
  • ch1121 -普通化学II实验室 1
  • CHE 3110 -有机化学I 3
  • ch3111 -有机化学实验室 1
  • CHE 3120 -有机化学II 3
  • ch3121 -有机化学II实验室 1
  • MAT 2600 -商业微积分 3
  • PHY 2110 -普通物理I 3
  • PHY 2111 -普通物理I实验室 1
  • PHY 2121 -普通物理II实验室 1


  • 生物3350 -植物学 4
  • BIO 4110 -生态学 4
  • BIO 4810 -生物学或生物医学科学专题 3
  • 生物医学科学研讨会 1
For a comprehensive list of courses related to this program visit the Academic 目录.


SACSCOC (The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges)


  • 动物园和野生动物生物学家 
  • 海洋生物学* 
  • 保护官 
  • 佛瑞斯特 
  • 实验室研究助理 
  • 兽医* 
  • 环境生物学家 




The more science and math courses that you can take, the better. Our curriculum includes biology, chemistry, physics and calculus. 有些学校提供AP或双录取机会. Those courses may not substitute for our General Biology I and II, but they will help to prepare you. 请联系招生部门了解更多信息.


是的! Biology majors are eligible to apply for internships with the Riverbanks Zoo in Columbia. 这个动物园里有各种各样的动物,包括企鹅, 长颈鹿, 大猩猩, 考拉和科莫多巨蜥. 学生也可以和老师一起做研究项目.


Evolution is covered in our science textbooks which are the same textbooks used at many other universities. It is important that students understand the theory of evolution, so they are able to engage with others on the subject in an accurate and professional way. 然而, faculty will also include some of the scientific challenges against evolution as well as arguments and evidence that supports a biblical creation perspective in appropriate places in the curriculum.

Does this program prepare me for medical school, dental school or physical therapy school?

While the Biology major includes the prerequisites common to professional health 项目, the Biomedical Sciences major may be a better choice for those who want to go to medical school. 这两个项目都很相似,都能让你做好准备, but the biochemistry and human anatomy and physiology that are part of the Biomedical Sciences major will help you more for the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT). 生物学包括物理治疗学校的先决条件, 但健康科学专业可能是更好的选择.


